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State Grid Shanggao Power Supply Company: Fully charged to help modernize high standard farmland

  Shanggao County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, is known as the "granary of central Jiangxi". It is a national commodity grain base county and an advanced county in grain production in the province. Shanggao County has constructed 355900 acres of high standard farmland, and the county's grain production has remained stable at over 510 million kilograms.

  In the high standard farmland construction section of Quangang Village, Xujiadu Town, Shanggao County, there is a bustling scene. In order to not miss the spring plowing of 2024, workers are racing against time to promote major projects such as culvert placement, land leveling, soil improvement, new field drainage and irrigation channels, and pumping stations. Multiple excavators are roaring and working non-stop, and through modern machinery, the project efficiency is greatly improved, Currently, 86.7% of the high standard farmland construction projects have been completed.

  In order to meet the demand for high standard farmland construction, State Grid Shanggao County Power Supply Company intervened in advance, ensuring the survey and design of power supply and consumption plans for farmland construction transmission and distribution projects and mechanical power construction parties, and carrying out line construction in advance based on the project's power consumption situation. At the same time, it carried out inspections and maintenance of existing power supply equipment, made every effort to provide supporting power supply services, and efficiently accelerated the promotion of high standard farmland construction projects, Ensure that all projects are completed before March 2024, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming spring plowing and protecting the livelihoods of the people. (Zou Xi)

