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  As the sun rises over the mountains, the shimmering light reflects on the lake, awakening the city of Nanchang. The streets and lanes are filled with the smell of cooking. For breakfast, we start our day with a soup stewed in a pottery jar and Nanchang stir-fried rice noodles. I’m from Pakistan and Julia, who is in my major but junior to me, comes from Casablanca. We walk into Bayi Square where the first military flag of the Communist Party of China was raised. Here, we can feel people’s emotions surging during the Nanchang Uprising, which happened in August 1927. Upon arriving at Tengwang Pavilion, I could see the exceptional talent of Wang Bo, a Tang Dynasty poet. His words, “The sunlight shoots through the rosy clouds, and the autumn water is merged with the boundless sky into one hue” portray the dreamland, Nanchang. Stepping into the renowned Jintai Restaurant: Braised Duck in Iron Pot, Soup Stock of Lamb Chops, Braised Fresh Carp, Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce, and Braised Beef in Casserole still have the same original spicy flavors I tasted seven years ago when I first arrived in Nanchang. From the Nanchang Star Observation Wheel, the pinnacle of the world, we can overlook the entire Nanchang. Stream of cars below belting on the ground like the golden and silver shuttles flying. As the evening breeze blows gently and night falls, the streetlights flicker on. Holding a cup of latte in hand, let us enjoy the grand spectacle of the music fountain show. The song “China in the Lights” expresses my sense of belonging and deep love for Nanchang, the city where I have lived, studied, got married, raised children, and run my business for seven years. Now, I am a “son-in-law” of Nanchang.(南昌航空大學(xué) 謝華)

