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Looking at China: The First "Tea Fragrance" of Electric Power Escort

  Before and after the Spring Festival, Ganzhou City, located in southern China's Jiangxi Province, welcomed warm and sunny weather, and all things revived. On February 22th, the 600 acre tea green production demonstration base in Wuzhifeng Township, Shangyou County, Ganzhou City also welcomed the first piece of "tea" in early spring, with tender green sprouts blooming on the dark branches, swaying gently in the warm spring breeze, and emitting bursts of fragrance.

  As the birthplace of tea, China began artificial cultivation of tea trees over 6000 years ago. Nowadays, tea can be divided into spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea, and winter tea based on seasons. The locally grown "Maojian" tea in Shangyou County belongs to spring tea, which sprouts and grows in February of that year. It is picked before the Qingming Festival in the lunar calendar, and after drying, it is processed into tea leaves that can be directly brewed with boiling water or further processed into flower tea, medicinal and health tea, beverages, etc. It is widely popular in the market and exported to various parts of the country and overseas.

  At present, the total area of tea in Shangyou County is 110000 acres, with an annual output of 2786 tons and a total output value of 1.56 billion yuan. It ranks first in terms of area and output in Ganzhou City. "Shangyou Green Tea" has become the leading industry for local residents to increase income and become prosperous, with more than one-third of farmers participating in the planting in the county.

  Traditional tea picking and making rely on manual labor, which is inefficient. With the promotion of electric energy substitution, more and more electrical equipment is widely used. Some tea gardens have purchased picking machines, which increase the picking efficiency by five times through mechanical operation. Equipment such as steam killing machines and dynamic drying machines have effectively solved many problems such as low labor efficiency, unstable product quality, and energy-saving and environmentally friendly production processes.

  Although Qingming Festival is still two months away, local tea farmers have already prepared in advance for the upcoming picking and tea making. State Grid Youxian Power Supply Company has organized staff to come to their doorstep to help them repair electrical equipment, guide them to use electricity reasonably, safely, and economically, and use electricity to escort the first ray of "tea fragrance" in the New Year. (Liu Yiqun, Luo Lisong)

