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Looking at China: Empowering Green Warehousing with Electricity

  Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, has been known as the "granary of central Jiangxi" since ancient times. The rice produced has a crystal clear color and a fragrant taste, and has been a tribute rice for various dynasties. With the development and changes of the times, although the genes of Yichun grain have been improved, the original intention of the people of Yichun for their love of grain has not changed. In 2023, Yichun City has a grain sowing area of 9.2175 million mu, with a total output of 7.53 billion kilograms, ranking first in Jiangxi Province and being an advanced city in grain production in China.

  In recent years, Yichun City has attached great importance to the improvement and renovation of green warehousing. The "Smart Grain Warehouse" system has been fully implemented to create a modern grain warehouse with low-temperature storage, automatic temperature control, and real-time monitoring. The intelligent management of the grain warehouse is carried out to reduce storage costs and control grain loss.

  The "Smart Grain Depot" has improved the storage capacity of grain, but it also relies on the reliable supply of electricity. In order to better ensure the electricity supply for grain depots, State Grid Yuanzhou District Power Supply Company in Yichun City continues to track customer electricity demand, and makes efforts from multiple dimensions such as distribution network reinforcement and thoughtful services. Electricity fully empowers the construction of a higher-level "smart grain warehouse", fully escorts the "hibernation" of grain, and does a good job of "power bank" for grain bags. (Chen Yihang)

