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Looking at China: Inheritance of Millennium Fireworks Culture from Generation to Generation

  As the New Year approaches, the fireworks are "hot" again. For thousands of years, fireworks and firecrackers have been regarded as the background color of the Spring Festival, and the loud explosions and splashing colors have made China's annual flavor gradually stronger. The production of fireworks in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province began in the Song Dynasty and flourished in the Qing Dynasty, with a history of over 1000 years. Therefore, Wanzai is known as the "hometown of fireworks". 

  The manufacturing technique of Wanzai fireworks has been listed as a national intangible cultural heritage and is one of the four main production areas of fireworks in China. In recent years, Wanzai Fireworks has actively sought innovation and change, exploring the path of integrated development of "fireworks+cultural tourism". With the help of the "online+offline" development model, the sales market has been continuously expanded, and the production volume and electricity demand have also been increasing.

  In order to better serve the development of the "intangible cultural heritage" characteristic industry, since the beginning of this year, State Grid Wanzai County Power Supply Company has combined the electricity load and production scale of enterprises, renovated old lines and transformers, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of the fireworks industry to production automation and intelligence, provided safe and reliable power support for the modern machinery and equipment production of fireworks, and empowered the operation and production of the "intangible cultural heritage" characteristic industry to enter the "fast lane". (Lu Bei)

