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Looking at China: Passing through the Cold Winter with Handwritten Letters, Actively Serving and Getting likes

  "I was on a business trip out of town and couldn't make it back in time. After you contacted me by phone, you helped me solve the problem as soon as possible, making it convenient for the people. Thank you very much. You have been enthusiastic, efficient, convenient, and responsible, and I like you all!" Recently, a staff member of the Honggutan District Power Supply Company in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province received a heartfelt handwritten thank-you letter from the people. In this era of rapid development of network communication technology, The strokes on the letter paper brought warmth over the cold winter, and the words and lines expressed genuine gratitude to the power supply company.

  The client who wrote this letter, Mr. Yang, lives in Ligao Fenghuang Xintian Community, Honggutan District. At 21:40 on December 20th, the on duty personnel of Honggutan District Power Supply Company's Honggutan Power Supply Station located a sudden drop in internal load of a user in Fenghuang Xintian Community through the user's internal fault "Cloud Steward" system. After rapid analysis, they distributed an active repair work order to the power grid. Grid customer manager Wan Peng responded promptly and contacted the homeowner Yang Junqi to confirm the on-site situation. After learning that the head of the household was on a business trip and there were only elderly and young children aged nearly 80 at home, Wan Peng repeatedly reminded the head of the household to remind the elderly and children not to touch electrical equipment, stay away from the power switch, wait at home for a while, and the repair personnel will arrive soon.

  At 21:50, Wan Peng and the repair personnel arrived at the scene and saw an old man standing at the entrance of the meter room from a distance, "Grandma Yang, you've come down like this. If it's cold outside, please go up first. We'll come over here to do a safety electricity check for your home once we've dealt with it." "I feel warm when I see you all here. There was a power outage at home just now, and all the neighbors next to me had electricity. I thought it was so late, sorry to trouble you, so I came down to take a look myself. Unexpectedly, I received a call from my son just as I left, saying that you would come and deal with it. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon. It's hard for you to come all night." Grandma Yang said to Wan Peng and the repair personnel.

  Based on the user's recent electricity consumption data, Wanpeng, with years of winter repair experience, preliminarily determined the cause of the fault and immediately carried out in-depth investigation. Wearing insulated gloves, he opened the air switch housing below the meter, and the blown fuse came into view. Recently, the temperature has dropped significantly, causing a sudden increase in the electricity load in your home. In addition, the aging of the air switch, low power, and blown fuses have caused power outages in your home. After identifying the cause, Wan Peng and colleagues immediately helped users replace the air switch with a safer and more reliable one. On a winter night, the temperature dropped below zero degrees Celsius, but it did not affect their progress. After confirming that the zero and live wires were connected normally, Wan Peng pressed the switch and the power was cut off for less than 20 minutes. The user's home was restored to brightness.

  "It turned out that the air switch was burnt out. Fortunately, you guys came, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do..." Grandma Yang thanked Wan Peng and her colleagues repeatedly as she looked at the bright house. "This is what we should do." Wan Peng responded with a smile and carefully checked the indoor wiring, electrical equipment, and other operating conditions of Grandma Yang's home. He focused on identifying potential safety hazards in electricity use and repeatedly instructed Grandma Yang before leaving, "Be sure to pay attention to safety when using electricity in winter, cut off the power when going out, and always call us if you need any help."

  In recent years, Honggutan District Power Supply Company has always adhered to customer-centric approach, utilizing digital means to shift from "passive" to "active", vigorously improving the level of power supply services, effectively optimizing the electricity consumption experience, and deeply promoting door-to-door extension services, winning widespread recognition and praise from residents and enterprises in the jurisdiction. (Xu Luqi)

