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Looking at China: Electricity illuminates rural areas and fills them with joy

  On December 20th, staff from State Grid Nanchang County Power Supply Company came to the Green Teng Ecological Farm in Nanchang County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province to conduct "pulse diagnosis" on the power lines and equipment, actively communicate with business owners, understand electricity needs, and serve the safe and reliable use of electricity in rural areas.

  In recent years, rural tourism in the suburbs has been quite popular. Activities full of agricultural and local characteristics allow parents and children to get close to nature and enjoy themselves together. Nanchang County fully leverages its unique geographical location and vigorously develops a combination of characteristic agriculture and rural tourism, becoming an important way for local villagers to become prosperous.

  State Grid Nanchang County Power Supply Company implements dynamic management based on its business characteristics, scale, and power supply and consumption environment classification. It organizes power supply stations to conduct special inspections, from power supply lines, electrical equipment, low-voltage switches, entertainment facilities to kitchen stoves, lighting equipment, air conditioning equipment, etc., to help customers solve electricity difficulties and eliminate potential safety hazards.

  "We have learned that Lvteng Farm has added 20 vegetable greenhouses and the kitchen is gradually undergoing electrification renovation, with more and more electrical equipment. Therefore, we came specifically to understand the situation. At the same time, we will also inspect the distribution room, kitchen stove, lighting equipment, air conditioning equipment, etc. one by one to help customers solve their electricity difficulties and eliminate potential safety hazards." Luo Zhipeng, a staff member of State Grid Nanchang County Company, introduced.(Liang Feng)

