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Sanbai Mountain facilitates green tourism as "a fully electrified scenic area".

  Sanbai Mountain Scenic Area, located in Anyuan county, Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, is the source of the Dongjiang River and the headstream of drinking water for Guangdong and Hong Kong residents. 

Sanbai Mountain at night.   Photo/Li Shihong

  It is a national scenic area, a national forest park, a national 5A-level tourist spot, and one of China’s first demonstration bases for protecting mother river ecological education. It is also China’s only scenic area that has the significance of “When drinking water, one should not forget its source” for Hong Kong compatriots. 

The morning mist makes Sanbai Mountain a fairyland.  Photo/Li Shihong

  Sanbai Mountain, with an average annual temperature of 23.3 ℃, boasts a forest coverage rate of 98 percent. With the clear and beautiful source of the Dongjiang River, the spectacular and dense pools and waterfalls and the well-preserved evergreen broad-leaved forest, it is a good place to get close to nature in summer.Sanbai Mountain receives 15,000 tourists a day during the peak season for tourism in summer vacation。

Dongfeng Lake in Sanbai Mountain.  Photo/Li Shihong

  To make eco-tourism cleaner, more distinctive, and more environmentally friendly to attract more tourists from home and abroad, the workers of State Grid Ganzhou Power Supply Company vigorously promote power grid transformation in Sanbai Mountain to develop energy replacement with electricity。

  The combined application of electric power replacement is shown vividly in many fields such as electric kitchens, EV charging stations, electric pleasure boats and all-electric RVs, which has demonstrated the duplicative effect of electric power replacement and developed “new cultural tourism” by applicating clean electricity。

